Accident Incident Form Template UK

The Accident Incident Form Template UK is provided in multiple formats, including PDF, Word, and Google Docs, and features customizable and printable examples.


Accident Incident Form Template UK

Editable – Printable

Accident Incident Form Template UK

1. Incident Details

2. Person Involved

3. Witness Information

4. Nature of Injury/Damage

5. First Aid Provided

6. Immediate Action Taken

7. Reporting Procedure

8. Follow-up Actions

9. Investigation Details

10. Declaration and Signatures




Accident Incident Form Template UK (1)
Incident Details:
Date of Incident: [Date]
Time of Incident: [Time]
Location: [Incident Location]
Weather Conditions: [Weather Conditions at Time of Incident]
Involved Parties:
1. Name: [First Person’s Name]
Role: [Role, e.g., Employee, Visitor]
Contact Information: [Phone, Email]
2. Name: [Second Person’s Name]
Role: [Role]
Contact Information: [Phone, Email]
Description of the Incident:
[Detailed description of the incident, including what happened, how it happened, and any contributing factors.]
1. Name: [Witness Name]
Contact Information: [Phone, Email]
2. Name: [Witness Name]
Contact Information: [Phone, Email]
Injuries Sustained:
[List any injuries sustained, who was hurt, and the extent of the injuries.]
Immediate Actions Taken:
[Outline any first aid or emergency measures taken immediately after the incident.]
Reported To:
[Name of the supervisor or authority to whom the incident was reported, including date and time of report.]
Follow-Up Actions Required:
[Specify any follow-up investigations, training, or safety measures that will be taken in response to the incident.]
[Signature of the person completing the report]
[Printed Name]
Accident Incident Form Template UK (2)
Incident Overview:
Date of Incident: [Date]
Time of Incident: [Time]
Location: [Incident Location]
Details of Involved Persons:
1. Name: [First Person’s Name]
Position: [Job Title]
Contact: [Phone, Email]
2. Name: [Second Person’s Name]
Position: [Job Title]
Contact: [Phone, Email]
Incident Summary:
[Comprehensive account of the events leading up to the incident, the incident itself, and the aftermath.]
Witness Information:
1. Name: [Witness Name]
Contact: [Phone, Email]
2. Name: [Witness Name]
Contact: [Phone, Email]
Injury Details:
[Describe any injuries to individuals involved, their treatment, and any medical attention sought.]
Actions Taken Immediately:
[List all immediate actions taken including first aid, evacuation procedures, and emergency services called.]
Incident Reporting:
[Detail who the incident was reported to, including time and method of reporting.]
Recommendations for Future Prevention:
[Provide suggestions on how to prevent similar incidents in the future, including training and improvements in safety practices.]
Completed By:
[Signature of the reporter]
[Printed Name]


Accident Incident Form Template UK