School Registration Form Template UK

The School Registration Form Template UK is offered in multiple formats, including PDF, Word, and Google Docs, providing both editable and printable versions for your convenience.


School Registration Form Template UK

Editable – Printable

School Registration Form Template UK

1. Student Information

2. Parent/Guardian Information

3. Emergency Contact Information

4. Medical Information

5. Previous School Details

6. Subject Preferences

7. Parent/Guardian Responsibilities

8. Consent for Photography and Media

9. Declaration and Signatures




School Registration Form Template UK (1)
Student Information:
[Full Name of Student]
[Date of Birth]
[Address of Student]
[Phone Number of Student]
Parent/Guardian Details:
[Full Name of Parent/Guardian]
[Relationship to Student]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]
Emergency Contact:
[Name of Emergency Contact]
[Phone Number]
[Relationship to Student]
Medical Information:
[Allergies or Medical Conditions]
[Current Medications]
[Family Doctor’s Name and Contact Details]
Previous School Information:
[Name of Previous School]
[Address of Previous School]
[Dates Attended]
Registration Details:
The student is registering for the academic year [Year] and intends to enroll in the following grade: [Grade/Year Level].
Signed on [Date].
[Signature of Parent/Guardian]
[Printed Name of Parent/Guardian]
School Registration Form Template UK (2)
Student Information:
[Full Name of Student]
[Date of Birth]
[Home Address]
[Contact Number]
Parent/Guardian Details:
[Full Name of Parent/Guardian]
[Home Address]
[Mobile Number]
[Email Address]
Emergency Contact Information:
[Full Name]
[Contact Number]
Health and Medical Information:
[Doctor’s Name and Affiliation]
[Medical Insurance Provider]
Previous Educational Background:
[Name of Previous Educational Institution]
[Years Attended]
Intended Enrollment Details:
This form is for registration for the school year [Year] in the following grade: [Grade/Year Level].
I confirm that the information provided is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Signed on [Date].
[Signature of Parent/Guardian]
[Printed Name of Parent/Guardian]


School Registration Form Template UK